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Orangescrum project management tool @mention feature is a great way to encourage teams to collaborate more and deliver project goals faster. It helps to assign a task to the concerned team member with just @mention.

How to Use @mention feature in Orangescrum?

  • In Task description
  • In Task Reply or Comments
  • View all Mentions

In Task description

Click on +Quick Links > Tasks under New menu

On the Create task form, go to the description field; add your description and type '@', auto-suggestion of the names of teams in that project would appear

Provide details such as task title, type, task linking etc. You can tag the tasks or any team member as required and click on Save

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In Task description

In Task Reply or Comments

Navigate to the task listing page of the project and select the specific task for which you want to add a comment or reply

In the task detail page, navigate to the reply section, add your message and type ‘@’. Auto-suggestion will appear adding showing tasks and team members in that project. Once a reply is added click on the Comment button to add the comment

Use @ to quickly get the list of users as well as tasks to tag them in your comment.

Once the task comment is added, people added in the comment will get an email notification regarding this task and its comments

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In Task Reply or Comments

View all Mentions

Get access to mentions by clicking on @Mentions in the left main menu of the tool

Access all mentions from one central listing page and respond to them intuitively without having to navigate to other task views

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